imagen a 200x200 pixeles

Precio : $ 7.990
Ediciones Carnaval
imagen a 50x50 pixeles imagen a 50x50 pixeles imagen a 50x50 pixeles

the adventures of a little bunny on a quest to become an Easter rabbit, a job that has never been done by girls before.

Author and illustrator: Rodrigo Parra
Dimensions: 21x21
Pages: 20
Cover: Soft
Font: Lowercase
Price: $7,990
Year: 2019

- Round of questions
- Coloring activity
- Bookmark
- QR code for the audiobook

This story teaches children from an early age that men and women are equally capable of performing any task, allowing them to grow up more equitably, fairly, and without gender stereotypes that limit their options.

With this story, children learn that we all have the same abilities and rights, and thus can develop skills such as empathy, respect, and tolerance towards others. It encourages them to explore various interests and activities, allowing them to develop their own talents and abilities, regardless of whether they are considered "feminine" or "masculine".

It is essential to teach our children from an early age that men and women are equally capable and that there are no jobs or activities exclusive to a particular gender. In this way, we provide them with a solid foundation for developing their own sense of identity and achieving a more just and equitable future for all.
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